Across America - Photography Exhibition


The Award-Winning Art Center in Dover, New Hampshire, is thrilled to announce a Call for Entry for our annual juried photography competition and exhibition. This year's theme is "Across America."

Location: The Art Center, 1 Washington Street, Dover, NH

Exhibition Dates: September 9, 2024 - October 31, 2024
Submissions Deadline - August 18, 2024 11:59PM

Notifications Made – August 21, 2024

Prizes: The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes will be generously provided by Photosmith Imaging. 

1st prize:  $130.00 value at Photosmith in Dover; or film developing services through Old School Photo Lab

2nd prize: $65.00 value at Photosmith in Dover; or film developing services through Old School Photo Lab

3rd prize - T-Shirt

Photosmith Imaging -

Jurors- Brian Crowley, Guy Freeman and Ron St. Jean

Brian Crowley is an American born photographer, specializing in landscape and street photography.   His work has been compared with Bauhaus photographer László Moholy-Nagy for the unique angles and perspectives and can be seen here and abroad in collections and museums.

Guy Freeman has been professional photographer for more than forty-five years, working both in corporate and industrial markets and as a fine arts photographer. His commercial work in Hartford, CT won awards from a range of professional organizations, such as the Connecticut Art Directors Club, the Hartford Advertising Club and the Public Relations Society of America. Guy has had 8 major gallery exhibits of his fine arts work in CT and PA as part of group and one- man shows. He has had works accepted into the prestigious Pennsylvania “Art of the State Show” five times. His photography work has appeared in range of publications, including a book
by Cooper-Hewitt Museum of New York, as well Aviation Week & Space Technology, The New York Times, and the CT Law Tribune. He has taught photography at the Carlisle Arts Learning Center (CALC) and the Art Association of Harrisburg and served as a judge for the Susquehanna Art Museum and other juried competitions.

Eligibilty  Requirements:

  • Open to US Photographers of all levels  Must be 18+
  • All submitted images must be original works created by the entrant.
  • Submissions should be in high-resolution digital format (JPEG)
  • Each image must be titled and accompanied by a brief artist statement describing the series.
    Fees - Art Center Members: no fee with up-to-date membership through the end of the exhibit. Non-Members $25 for up to three

Submission Guidelines:

  • Photographers are invited to submit up to 3 images representing a cohesive work series.
  • The series should encapsulate America's diverse and dynamic essence, showcasing landscapes, people, culture, or any aspect that embodies the nation's spirit.

Payment link - Art Call
Notifications Made – August 21, 2024
Delivery of Work – Delivered by September 1, 2024,  Work arriving after the deadline
may not be included. Delivery of accepted pieces will only be received during the stated days/hours. All work must have the
ArtCall check-in label affixed to the back. All work must be packaged in a manner that allows the materials to be re-used for
return. Shipped works must include a prepaid return shipping label
from FEDEX or UPS. 

**. The Art Center recommends - **

1.  Work requiring assembly or a complex installation procedure must be accompanied by detailed written instructions with
reference photos.
2.  Work must be professional presented and ready for installation.  
3.  All artwork must be for sale and cannot be removed during the exhibition.
PUBLICITY - The Art Center reserves the right to photograph an accepted work for publication and publicity purposes.
SALES - For any artwork sales: artist receives 70% of the sale
price; The Art Center retains 30%.
The Art Center
1 Washington Street, Suite 1177, Dover, NH 03820

User Entry Process Tutorial

You can leave this video on your call site's homepage (or embed it on any page) for a quick tutorial your users can watch to help them with the submission process.